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Grammar Bot's Fascinating Facts About Hibernation

Practice subject/verb agreement as you learn why some animals snooze through the winter.

From the March/April 2021 Issue

1) Some animals enters/enter a sleeplike state called hibernation to survive the cold winter. Many of these creatures does/do not pee, poop, or eat for months!

2) While hibernating, an animal breathes/breathe more slowly. Some bats takes/take a breath only once every hour.

3) Before settling in, many hibernators gobbles/gobble up as much food as they can. Dormice can fatten up to twice their normal size.

4) Scientists is/are trying to figure out a way to help humans hibernate. They thinks/think it could be useful for astronauts during long trips to outer space.

5) A female black bear is/are able to have babies while hibernating. Imagine waking up to brand-new hungry cubs!

6) Some creatures treats/treat hibernation like a giant slumber party. Ladybugs snuggles/snuggle up to hibernate with thousands of friends.

7) Instead of hibernating during the cold winter months, some animals hide out to survive hot, dry weather. This summer snooze is/are called estivation.

8) The painted turtle hibernates/hibernate at the bottom of a pond, lake, or river. How does it breathe underwater? It has/have a special ability to take in oxygen through its bottom.

This article was originally published in the March 2021 issue.


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