Grammar Collection: It's or Its?

Students learn whether to use it's or its while reading fascinating facts about animal homes.



It's vs. Its

Should you use it's or its? This video will tell
you how to choose.

Grammar Cop's Wild Facts About Animal Homes

Practice using it’s and its correctly as you learn
about the incredible structures animals build to keep safe.

Read the Article
Grammar Activity
A downloadable version of the grammar activity found in the magazine

Grammar Cop’s Amazing Facts About Hair

Learn the difference between it’s and its as you comb through some fun facts about hair.

Read the Article
Grammar Activity
A downloadable version of the grammar activity found in the magazine

Art Credits: Video animation by Joseph Suttles; Grammar Cop's Wild Facts About Animal Homes: Bernard Lynch/Getty Images; Grammar Cop's Amazing Facts About Hair: COOKIE STUDIO/SHUTTERSTOCK.COM