Grammar Collection: Commas

Students practice using commas correctly while reading fascinating facts about blood,
the Grand Canyon, and more!



Comma Crusader

Learn the rules for using commas in this video from our friends at Action magazine.

Grammar Bot Travels to the Grand Canyon

Practice using commas as you learn 
fun facts about this stunning national 
park in Arizona. 

Read the Article
Grammar Activity
A downloadable version of the grammar activity found in the magazine

Fascinating Facts About Blood

Practice comma rules as you learn 
some incredible facts about blood. 

Read the Article
Grammar Activity
A downloadable version of the grammar activity found in the magazine

Amazing Facts About Shark Teeth

Learn comma rules as you sink 
your teeth into some fascinating 
facts about sharks’ chompers!

Read the Article
Grammar Activity
A downloadable version of the grammar activity found in the magazine

Art Credits: Grammar Bot Travels to the Grand Canyon: W. Tyson Joye/National Park Service; Fascinating Facts About Blood: CRStocker/ (Blood); Ollyy/ (Vampire); Amazing Facts About Shark Teeth: Alessandro De Maddalena/