Illustrations by Lance Lekander

One Word, Three Ways / The Word Nerd

Weird, Wild, and Wonderful Words

From the February 2022 Issue

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One Word, Three Ways    

Look how this frazzled rabbit uses our word of the issue, brush. It can mean:

1) an area of land where small trees and bushes grow;

2) a close call, or 

3) a tool with bristles and a handle for smoothing hair.

Lance Lekander

  1.  I was minding my own business, hopping through the brush . .
  2. . . . when I had a frightful brush with a rattlesnake
  3. Does anyone have a brush? I must smooth my fur.

The Adventures of The Word Nerd   

Tyler Maxwell used to be a typical boy. But one day, a 10-pound dictionary fell on his head.

Luckily, he survived. But now Tyler can use only the biggest, hardest words there are. His friends don’t understand him. Can you help?

Directions: Use a dictionary to help you figure out what Tyler is trying to say. Write your answer on a separate piece of paper.

Lance Lekander

The fiery-flavored poultry electrified my palate.

This article was originally published in the February 2022 issue.

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