
Then and Now

How is life in America today different from 100 years ago?

From the May / June 2019 Issue
Activities (1)
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Can't-Miss Teaching Extras

Help kids explore life at the turn of the 20th century with this teacher’s guide from the Library of Congress, which provides historical background, teaching tips, and additional resources.   

Complexity Factors


The infographic provides information about life in America 100 years ago and compares it with life in America now.  


Information is presented using text, images, and numbers.


The language is conversational.

Knowledge Demands 

The infographic includes large numbers and percentages; students will need to do some math to fully comprehend the comparisons. 

Step-by-Step Lesson Plan

1. Reading and Discussing 

Project the infographic as students follow along in their magazines.

Prompt students to use the headline, subhead, and central image to identify the topic of the infographic.

Ask: Is the purpose of the infographic to

  • explain something to you?
  • convince you of something?
  • tell you how to do something?

Have students look over the labels and images surrounding the central image. Ask:

  • How are they related to the central image? (They provide details about the main idea.)

Break students into groups to read each section of the infographic and discuss what they find interesting, surprising, or convincing.

Come back together as a class and ask volunteers to summarize the main idea and supporting details from the infographic.

2. Writing

Preview the writing prompt in the “Find More Facts” box.

Have students respond to the writing prompt. 

Ideas to Engage and Inspire

Have students create their own infographics! Download our “Make Your Own Infographic” activity.
